Consultation open

AFCA is consulting on two draft Approach documents for key areas in superannuation: 

  • AFCA’s Approach to sections 29(6) and 29(7) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (new), and 
  • AFCA’s Approach to delayed insurance claims in superannuation (amended). 

AFCA cares about the feedback and valuable insights of all stakeholders and invites them to provide comments or make a submission during the consultation. The joint consultation is open Monday, 9 September 2024 to Monday, 30 September 2024

Please note: All feedback and submissions on these Approach documents should be sent to AFCA by Monday, 30 September 2024. Once the joint consultation period has closed, AFCA will consider and respond to feedback received in the submissions.

About the consultation

The draft Approaches have been developed to provide greater clarity around what to expect from AFCA processes, greater transparency about the way we investigate complaints and make decisions, and ensure we continue to deliver consistent outcomes for complaints to AFCA. 

The documents will help complainants, financial firms and stakeholders understand how AFCA considers certain complaints about life insurance within superannuation and delayed insurance claims in superannuation. 

They outline how AFCA applies legal principles, industry codes, regulatory guidance and considers good industry practice when investigating these complaints. The documents are informed by feedback received during our complaint handling process with our stakeholders, including government, regulators, financial firms and industry associations. 

Together, the Approach to sections 29(6) and 29(7) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 and the Approach to delayed insurance claims in superannuation will support complainants and financial firms to better understand how we consider these complaints and assist in efficiently and effectively resolving and avoiding disputes.

AFCA Approach to sections 29(6) and 29(7) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984)

The consultation for AFCA’s new Approach to sections 29(6) and 29(7) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (superannuation) is taking place from Monday, 9 September 2024 to Monday, 30 September 2024.

This draft Approach document explains how AFCA deals with complaints that involve the application of sections 29(6) and 29(7) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (the Act). These sections provide remedies to insurers where there have been certain misrepresentations or a failure to comply with the duty of disclosure by an insured fund member.

Approach document and consultation paper

AFCA Approach to delayed insurance claims in superannuation

The consultation for AFCA’s amended Approach to delayed insurance claims in superannuation is taking place from Monday, 9 September 2024 to Monday, 30 September 2024. 

AFCA has made minor clarifying updates to our existing Approach to delayed insurance claims in superannuation. These updates are not intended to reflect any change to the substance of AFCA’s existing Approach. 

Approach document and consultation paper 

Provide feedback or make a submission

AFCA invites all stakeholders to provide feedback or make a submission through one of the following channels: 

Lead Ombudsman – Superannuation 
Australian Financial Complaints Authority 
GPO Box 3 
Melbourne VIC 3001 

Joint consultation key dates

AFCA’s joint consultation on Superannuation Approaches
Date Milestone
Monday, 9 September 2024 Joint consultation on AFCA’s Superannuation Approaches opens
Monday, 30 September 2024 Joint consultation on AFCA’s Superannuation Approach documents closes
September – October 2024 AFCA to consider and respond to joint consultation submissions and feedback
October 2024 AFCA to publish submissions received
Late 2024 AFCA publish updated final Approaches (subject to external approval)


Frequently asked questions

Answers to frequently asked questions about:

  • AFCA’s Approach to sections 29(6) and 29(7) of the Insurance Contracts Act 1984 (superannuation) (new), and
  • AFCA’s Approach to delayed insurance claims in superannuation (amended).

Read more

Contact us

If you have any questions about the draft Approach documents or the consultation process, please email

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