Contacting us about the portal

If you encounter an issue with the member portal, please reach out to us via Live Chat: available on our website and in the member portal, raise a member request in the portal, call Membership Services on 1300 56 55 62 or email So that we can address your issue appropriately, please include as much information as possible (including screenshots).


This page was last updated on Tuesday 8 October 2024.

This page provides an overview of known issues impacting multiple members, their resolution status, and temporary workarounds or actions taken by AFCA.

Please note, this list is not exhaustive and includes issues impacting multiple members. It will be updated regularly. AFCA is working through a number of known defects, many of which have already been resolved. 

Where you have a unique issue that is not listed below – but have already alerted AFCA of it by email – please know we are aware of your issue and will provide a response as soon as possible.  Please avoid contacting us more than once about the same issue.

Thank you for your continued patience and support. Resolving these issues is our top priority. 

Usability and functionality issues

The issues below relate to known bugs with certain features of the new member portal. Members may experience these issues if they are able to login to the member portal.



Temporary workaround / actions taken by AFCA

Resolution status

Inability to sort documents by date Users are unable to sort case documents by creation date in the portal. AFCA is aware and has submitted a request for future enhancement. Investigation complete. AFCA will fix this in a future release.
Portal notifications not sending to reassigned contact  When a financial firm case worker is reassigned in the portal (due to unexpected leave), portal notifications continue to go to the previous case worker. This impacts visibility of tasks due. Admin contacts and EDR managers can view all cases and outstanding actions on their dashboard and track new activity on the dashboard at any time. Investigation complete. AFCA will fix this in a future release.
Trading names and firm misidentification

Since migrating our data, some complainants have experienced issues searching for financial firm trading names and aliases when lodging a complaint using the online complaint form. 

The issue has been resolved on the AFCA website but remains an issue when lodging a complaint in the consumer portal.

We encourage members to clearly state the financial firm or alias the complainant needs to select in your IDR response, where possible. Investigation complete. AFCA will fix this in a future release.
Password reset process Some members are encountering issues when resetting their password including repeated authentication steps.

To change your password, click "Forgot your password?" on the AFCA member portal log in window, then enter your email address and click "Send verification code".

Input the verification code received via email and click verify code. A new window will then appear confirming email address has been verified. You must then input your email address and click "Continue", please do not click "Change e-mail".

The system will send another verification code, verify it in the same way and click "Continue". You will then be prompted to enter a new password.

Investigation complete. AFCA will fix this in a future release, making it easier to change your password.
Role and contact type permission issues User cannot see complaints assign or re-assign complaints to other contacts update or see contacts view all memberships under a single profile.

The new member portal introduces individual accounts and role types to give each person the level of access they need to do their job.

Different roles have different levels of access to cases and other information. Roles such as Administrator, EDR Manager, and Team Manager have access to view all complaints and the ability to assign cases to case workers. Case workers can only view the cases assigned to them.

It may be that your role type does not give you permission to access certain parts of the portal.

First, talk to the person in your organisation who administers your membership account to understand what role type you have been allocated.

If you need to change your role type and permissions, ask your admin contact. You can refer to the contacts and role types guide to learn more about role type access and permissions.

If your admin contact has tried to change your role type and you continue to have an issue, please email with screenshots and details of what screen/page you are trying to view and why, and the email address used for the account.

No defect found. Relates to role types and permissions.
Uploading multiple documents User unable to load more than one document to the portal at a time.

Hold down “control” on the keyboard and select multiple documents. The portal will upload all highlighted/selected documents.

If you want to edit the properties/descriptions of the documents, you can do this by clicking the drop-down arrow on the right-hand-side and select “edit”. This will allow you to edit the properties for each document and change the name and classify the documents.

No defect found.
Cannot download reports Users cannot download .csv files and reporting information from the portal. For further information on exporting financial complaint data, you can refer to this guide. Please note, you can only export three months of data at a time by case stage. Investigation complete. AFCA will fix this in a future release.
Admin roles unable to remove other admin roles Admin roles are unable to remove other admin roles in the portal. Admin roles should have this ability however this is not currently available. Please contact AFCA should you require further support. Investigation complete. AFCA will fix this in a future release.
Downloading membership certificates User is experiencing access issues when trying to download their membership certificate in the portal.

To download your AFCA membership certificate, log in to the member portal.

You need select the applicable membership from the landing page before you can access any membership functions, including certificates. If you try to locate or download a certificate from the landing page, it will appear as “access denied”.

Once you have clicked through to the membership page, select ‘Certificates’ on the right-hand side of the navigation bar. Then select “Download Certificate”.

No defect found. Relates to access permissions.

Access issues

The issues below relate to members being unable to login to the member portal.

Issue Details Temporary workaround / actions taken by AFCA Resolution status
A user with the specified credentials cannot be found User attempts to login but receives ‘A user with the specified credentials cannot be found’ message.

This may be a user-error, where a user attempts to login to the new member portal without first creating a new account, or by using Secure Services credentials.
Our investigation has shown using Secure Services credentials creates this error. This can be overcome by creating a new account with new credentials. 

To create a new account, click ‘Sign up now’ and follow the prompts. You will need to create a new account using an email address unique to you and that is associated with your membership. Do not use Secure Services credentials.

Once an email address has been used to create a portal account, it cannot be used again by another user.

If you continue to experience this issue after attempting to create a new account, please email with a screenshot of the error.
User error - resolved.
Access denied User receives ‘Access denied’ message across different pages in the portal.

It may be that your role type does not give you permission to access certain parts of the portal. 

First, talk to the person in your organisation who administers your membership account to understand what role type you have been allocated.

If you need to change your role type and permissions, ask your admin contact. You can refer to the contacts and role types guide to learn more about role type access and permissions. 

If your admin contact has tried to change your role type and you continue to see ‘Access denied’, please email with screenshots and details of what screen/page you are trying to view and why, and the email address used for the account. 

No defect found. Relates to role types and permissions.
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Please be advised we cannot provide you with financial or legal advice. However, we may be able to refer you to a community legal centre or financial counselling service if you need help.

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