AFCA has developed an Engagement Charter to summarise what it expects from all users of its service, including AFCA.

The AFCA Engagement Charter shares AFCA’s values and outlines the behaviour it expects from financial firms, complainants and AFCA employees when resolving disputes. It also outlines AFCA’s obligations to be fair, independent and impartial, as stated in AFCA’s Rules.  

The Charter was developed after consultation with our stakeholders and we thank them for their feedback. Some of the high level themes from our consultation feedback included the need for AFCA to provide transparency around processes which underpin the principles in the Charter, clarity around roles and responsibilities and publication of reporting data. AFCA is addressing this important feedback and undertaking improvements to our service.

Read the Engagement Charter.

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We provide consumers and small businesses with fair, free and independent dispute resolution for financial complaints.

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We provide consumers and small businesses with fair, free and independent dispute resolution for financial complaints.

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