Start by using the search bar to quickly locate the task related to your needs. You can also filter by categories like "Getting Started," "Admin," or "Case Handling" by clicking on the corresponding buttons.

Getting started
Case handling
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How to access the member dashboard

This is a guide is to accessing the Dashboard in the member portal. The Dashboard displays helpful information such as outstanding requests and an overview of your complaints.

Apply for an ACR membership

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How to add or amend a business activity

This is a guide to adding or amending a business activity in the member portal.

Reset password

Sign up

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How to add, remove or amend a contact on a membership

This is a guide to adding, removing or amending a contact on your membership in the member portal.

Apply for Licensee membership

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How to add, remove or transfer the ownership of a superannuation fund

This is a guide to adding, removing or transferring the ownership of a superfund on your membership in the member portal.

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New member portal - day one

This document is a 'cheat sheet' to help you on the first day of AFCA's new member portal. It includes instructions to help you get started in the portal, FAQs, and links to resources.

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How to apply for AFCA membership (ACR and Licensee)

Eligibility for AFCA membership is subject to certain requirements outlined in AFCA's Constitution. Before applying for AFCA membership, please read the Constitution carefully.

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How to assign or re-assign a member contact to a complaint

This is a guide to assigning a complaint to another membership contact in the member portal.

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How to attach or end an ACR association

You can update your associations (for both a licensee or an ACR) in the member portal. You can add, amend (update the association end date) and end an association.

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How to create a jurisdiction review request

This is a guide to raising a jurisdiction review request in the member portal. You can use this request to raise potential jurisdiction issues to AFCA. AFCA will review and respond to your request directly through the portal.

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How to find and allocate systemic issue and reportable matter cases

This is a guide to viewing systemic and reportable matter (SARM) cases in the member portal.

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How to lodge a business name change

This is a guide to lodging a business name change request in the member portal.

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How to lodge an invoice dispute

This is a guide to lodging an invoice dispute in the member portal. Once you make a request, an AFCA staff member will review and respond to the request.

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How to manage and provide a final response

This is a guide to responding to a Final Response request from AFCA in the member portal.

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How to manage head member changes

This is a guide for authorised credit representatives (ACR) to manage head member changes in the member portal. An administrator contact can make changes in the portal so that AFCA has up to date information about your organisation.

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How to raise a cancellation request

This is a guide to cancelling your AFCA membership. An existing member can raise a request to cancel their membership at any time, or in response to the annual renewal reminder.

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How to request a membership liquidation or insolvency change

This is a guide to requesting and advising AFCA of entering into liquidation and/or administration.

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How to request a Transfer of Liability

This is a guide to requesting a transfer of liability in the member portal.

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How to request a Transfer of Ownership

This is a guide to transferring ownership in the member portal.

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How to access member certificate

This is a guide to accessing the membership certificate in the member portal.

Add, remove, or amend a contact on membership

Create and manage aliases

Lodge a business name change

Request a Membership Liquidation

Lodge a fee dispute

Assign or reassign

Raise a jurisdiction review

Raise an urgent review request

Remove a document

Respond to a final respense request

Upload documents to a case

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Contact and role type permissions

The new member portal introduces individual accounts and role types to give each person the level of access they need to do their job.

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Dashboard views

Dashboard views for different role types.

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Display of member contact information

Financial firm contact details.

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Understanding complaint notifications

There are different notification options depending on the type of notification you are monitoring for and the preferences you set up in your portal account.

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Downloading financial complaints data

Understanding exporting financial complaint data.

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Changes to case numbers

From Monday 17 June, case numbers will change. However, existing cases (migrated cases) will still include the unique case reference. This means, members will still be able to search for, and find, existing cases using the same case reference.

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How to access invoices and manage payments in the portal

This is a guide to accessing invoices and managing payments in the member portal.

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